[:en]Details about Defensive Organization of Brazil and how the opponents can disturb when they are defending: Neymar not defending the left side and leaving that…
How Croatia blocked the center and forced the Argentina to play always outside of the Croatia block? Croatia: Mandzukic pressing the center and the zone…
[:en]Analyse about the weak points of France and how the opponents can attack to win. Defensive Transition: Space behind FBs Positioning of Mifds. to keep…
Crédito Imagem: Lusa [:pt]Exercício de reflexão na construção de um modelo de jogo, tendo em conta a conjugação e compatibilidade das ideias/princípios do treinador para…
[:en]Let’s analyse the match. How Napoli was defending against Juventus and how they conditioned their game: – Triangles, diamonds, compactness and coverage; – Pressing in…
[:en]The second goal of Juventus is a good example about lack of coordination between the defenders and differences between marking man a man or zonal…
[:en]Analysing some situations of Real Madrid during the last matches we can understand how they conceded some goals and some situations to finish by the…
[:en]Analysing the goal of the match we can identify the answers for the 3 questions about the behaviours of Man. City during the match against…